Medgyasszay Peter

As an architect I have been designing buildings independently since 1997. As a result of the qualification process of Chamber of Hungarian Architects, I have leading design qualification since 2013.
I find it important that our buildings have to take into account the aspects of the natural environment, beside the architectural visual quality and functional compliance. From September 2024, our office in Vác operating in sence of energy CARBON NEUTRAL!
To realize a good building needs three things: good customer, good architect and good building contractor. We are trying to help you in the last two aspects, whether by direct building design or as a consultant to architects or building contractors…

Péter Medgyassszay PhD
architect, MBA

Architect practice and science

In architectural design, it’s a basic requirement that the building has to work well in functionally. The external shape of the building has to be proportionate, and its interior spaces has to meet the needs of the users.
But additionally, we have been looking since more than 20 years the ways of design and of construction that can minimize the effect of houses on the natural environment. Due to this interest we are taking account both the construction-, operation-, and disposal life phases of houses. In addition to design work, colleagues also undertake research, dissemination and education tasks. Furthermore we try to understand and solve problems coming from practice with the participation of our own and external researchers. Due to our research activities we utilize can the results of our research directly in practice and share our experiences in the form of publications and courses.

Our highlighted research partner is the Climate Change and Building Energy Research Group.

Our experience is that more and more affordable to build environmentally conscious buildings what are able to give answers on the effects of climate change. The solutions, what were almost utopian 10-20 years ago, nowadays are common in the common practice. Therefore we believe in the near future the significant part of the buildings will meet not only the “near to zero”, but the “Zero” and the “plus energy” requirements.
This is confirmed by the figure below. The red line shows the official energy requirements of residential buildings. The green area illustrates the range of energy performance of the buildings we have designed around the given year.

This is a process, where we are looking for the best solutions step by step, and the customers who are as motivated as us…

Applied methods for our architect activities

We build or continous developed 3D model of our buildings based on the need of our clients. 3D model of draft-, permission- and final plans, help to present the building to customers and to avoid our mistakes.

In addition to the commonly used architectural design process, we can help to find the best solutions to our costumers needs using the following methods

  • whole Life-Cycle Cost analysis (LCC) of design variations with self-developed software,
  • whole Life Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment (LCA) design variation with self-developed program,
  • heat-bridge simulation,
  • dynamic building simulation,
  • in the case of renovations the measure of the existing state and, or in the case of new building the control of quality with instrumental measurements.

Latest references

  • herceghalom-Látvány1
  • vac-katona-latvany
  • Magyarkút látvány
  • Bárdudvarnok első épületmodell foto


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Presentation of Péter Medgyasszay at the Building Energy Simulation Workshop

We introduced our latest project as a case study on the first building simulation workshop in Hungary. The introduced project. The presented slides.    

Peter Medgyasszay’s presentation on the Wandering Day of the Vándoriskola, on 07. 10. 2019.

Az eseményen három előadó: Rácz Tamás, Kozma Zsuzsa és Medgyasszay Péter előadásai mentén műhelymunka jellegű beszélgetések voltak a természetes anyagok építészeti alkalmazásáról.